
Puzzles and Baking

Our Nanny was able to spend a nice two weeks with us before flying back to New York. Whenever she is here we have to do puzzles. Like, it's a necessity.  We are kinda puzzle freaks at this house. Nanny always brings puzzles in her suitcase for us to do, but what typically happens is we finish those and start on the ones she gave us on her last visit! 

The day before she flew back I took these shots of us puzzling. We almost lost count, but we figured out that this was the FIFTH  550 piece puzzle we did during her visit. It's a special activity we've always loved doing with her, and now we will always have it documented. 

What did I say?  We're freaks.

After puzzles we started on a batch of chocolate chip cookies. 


  1. These are so beautiful. I love when you're able to capture everyday moments. You'll love these now and in years to come.

  2. Thanks Megan! I'm trying to make a point to be in more pictures with both my hubby and the baby!


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